

whirling dervish


, Islam.
  1. a member of a Turkish order of dervishes, or Sufis, whose ritual consists in part of a highly stylized whirling dance.

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Example Sentences

But he was a whirling dervish of energy and could outwork his critics.

The son is a more polished, if less genuine, character than the whirling-dervish, passionate, and even bombastic icon of a father.

Bailey got the job and proceeded to “work like a whirling dervish.”

The room was doing a whirling dervish dance about him, but he still felt it his duty to explain.

Wasn't it father who was giving the commendable imitation of a whirling dervish on the pier-head?

If Mr. Talmage had been born in Turkey, is it not probable that he would now be a whirling Dervish?

He was an advanced kind of religious fanatic, nearly in the foaming stages, something like a whirling dervish.

If you are still thinking of a career, why not a whirling dervish?



